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At Reframe Parenting, we are rethinking and reinvigorating our parenting - especially for our struggling kids. You’ll find tips, resources, support, and a whole lotta empathy. Parenting is a tricky business.

Let’s Reframe together!

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Parenting, Education Scotti Weintraub Parenting, Education Scotti Weintraub

Why do kids who struggle at school need chances to shine?

All kids want to feel successful, don’t they?! Having a hard time at school - whether it’s academically, socially, or behaviorally - is exhausting for kids. Who wants to spend all of their time feeling like they aren’t good enough, haven’t tried hard enough, or need to do things differently? It’s draining and demoralizing.

So what’s a parent to do? I’ve got 4 great, simple ideas to help your child feel successful outside of school.

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